Saturday, October 02, 2010

veg is paranormal

So I was in the mood for a bit of thrill.
I decided to read some ghost stories on the net.
Yeah, I experienced annoyance more than thrill.
Why the hell do people think that everything they don't know how to explain is paranormal?!
Like, I don't know what happens to all the veg in stores before they're put on sale.
I don't know what kind of stuff the farmers use to make their veg better.
Does that mean veg is paranormal?!
I don't know how to build a house. Does that make all buildings paranormal?!
Seriously, a lot of people need a reality check!

After reading about the ghostly experiences I'd like to tell the people to either go get councelling or get a doctor to prescribe you sleeping pills or antidepressants.
There were no ghosts or anything paranormal in your stories, just your paranormal stupidity and personality/sleeping disorders.
Next time you talk about hearing, feeling or seeing things don't be so sure everyone's as stupid as you are - some people actually have brains and know you suffer from disorders and thanks to your blabbing about ghosts, your stupidity.

Seriously, like.

Another thing I remembered - why is eating meat bad?
Well, apparently it is bad. Especially beef.
My stepmother said that cows are wise animals and know very well when they're about to get killed.
So before they die/get killed they have this major adrenaline rush cause they're trying to survive.
And then people go and eat the cow's fear.
That makes people violent and angry.
Well, simply put, they eat the bad hormones that the cow's body produced when it was being killed.
Ugh, but beef is so yummy!
Especially veil!

Oh and back in one of the first ever classes in school - this year, like - the teacher asked the class what fabrics their clothes were made of.
One boy said, "Puusärk" - "wooden shirt" - meaning a coffin.
And another said, "My top's made of a rug"
:D Ha! I had forgotten how silly those secondary school boys are.

Yesterday was a big day for my forum as well.
I have been manning the thing for a year now.
How super!?
Oh and we're trying to do a video type of thing of the members.
That is such a great idea, hope it will work out.


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