Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Grilled Cheesus Glee

Saw the episode.
Well, it had it's ups and downs, more ups than some other episode.

How many people have been in a situation where one of their family member is in coma in hospital and when going to see the person they find a whole bunch of their own classmates/co-workers visiting their sick family member who have nothing to do with the sick person?
And they're all singing to the person and trying to convert them into three different religions at the same time?

Seriously, Glee writers?!

And Mercedes totally took the cake in this episode.
The cheesecake that is.
I seriously said, "What the fuck?" out loud when she said she can't say something, she needs to sing it.
In the words of Red Forman, "But really, who the hell talks like that?"
And then later on she convinced Kurt to go to the church with him.
God damn, let the kid be!
That's bloody christians for you, drag you down to hell with them.
And that scene totally backed up my point - Christianity is brainwashing.
Mercedes totally brainwashed Kurt with her glorious speech.

Oh and where was Artie when the football match was on!?

The rest of the characters and plot are just so boring, it's all a big blahhhhh....

Oh and I read an article that there was gonna be a gay suicide episode.
Back in the day when I just started secondary school we had to write an essay so that the new teacher would know what our writing level was.
We had to write thing in either tragic or comedy manner or sublime.
Think I have posted about it before.
Anyway the teacher said that it might be a bit difficult to separate the tragic from sublime.
But anyway, I managed to do it.
And I was a pupil in secondary school.
And it's just unreal how the professional writers of an international TV show can't separate sublime from cheesy.
Get back to school!
And don't even think about mocking such a serious business!
You're not as powerful and fucking glorious as you think you are.
Your show does NOT speak to the audience in the way you think it does.
It is NOT something new.
It's just a long pointless music video to cover songs.

Speaking of songs, I'm not too much intop them anymore.
Although Grilled Cheesus delivered a few good tunes.
I actually liked Finn's Losing My Religion.
And I'm not the Jenna-girl's biggest fan cause she's riding the hottest man on the planet, but she sounded really really nice on One Of Us.
And "thank god" Mark Salling has his solo thing going on.
He's too good for the show.
But you know, some jobs are just to pay the bills.
I've worked in McDonald's and delivered cheeseburgers so I can relate to the feeling of working on Glee.
God, I hated that job!

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