Thursday, October 07, 2010

How can you accuse a ten year old child of sexual abuse?!

Okay, so apparently one of my brothers is a bit of a perv.
He's always had problems in school.
And with communication.
So he's been chasing some girls in school and been all "kissy-kissy".
And the mothers of some girls in his class have threatened to go to police with the whole thing.
Like... err...

My mother got quite a shock when my little brother was still in kindergarten cause those little girls were like, "Oh, we have sex everyday". And everybody was like cool with it.
And now my brother is chasing girls and trying to kiss them and he's a perv!
And some asshole mothers want to get the police involved in it.
My brother isn't gonna shag the little bitches for Christ's sake!
He's only fucking t e n!

Seriously, those people in his school are riding him so hard.
He has ADHD okay, he doesn't fucking rape your precious little bitches!
Seriously, get your tiny cunts out the class and get gone!

If the police gets involved in the business then my brother will get kicked out the school.
And who the fuck! seriously charges a ten year old with sexual harrassing!?

My mother is totally ready to go to court cause of the fuckers in the school for blaming my brother for such thing. Like, okay he has a bit of a difficult personality, that doesn't make him wrong in everything he does and it is not fair to blame him for stuff.
They're totally over-reacting in the school.

And my mother has said like a hundred times that when there is a problem to contact her.
And no one does!
Everyone is being a self righteous cunt and want to go to police.
Seriously, for fuck's sake, my brother is ten, he's not a fucking murderer or a rapist.
I cannot believe how evil some mothers are.
How can you accuse a ten year old child of sexual abuse?!

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