Monday, November 08, 2010


Well, I dunno why I torture myself but I've been watching some videos.
And they make me feel like crap.

Seriously, why is all this shit necessary?
I think it's so pointless working on preventing bullying or trying to stop it. I mean, violence is a part of human nature. You cannot deny nature. But humans are totally capable of adapting themselves into their surroundings. I think it would be a lot handier and pracical to teach people how to cope with tricky situations that they don't know how to deal with. I think people need to be taught how to deal with things reasonably and calmly, how to control and protect themselves and how to act with someone who isn't in control of their emotions and life. And more so when it comes to the "victims". I mean, I'd rather this than say, "Stop the bullying" to the "bully". And the reason I think that is that to me things aren't quite as white and black - like, one person is a victim and the other is a bully. I think everyone's a bully and a victim at the same time. Well, if not everyone the most of them anyway. I mean, there's hardly anyone who is mean just for the sake of being mean. I believe people have reasons why they're being a bitch. I know that doesn't justify their actions when they're horrbile to others but I don't think the "bully" is to be blamed instantly. I believe all this negativity is just rooted somewhere deep in the humankind and it just pops out it's sprouts here and there every now and then.
And I think that is why this whole thing cannot be prevented and stopped cause you never know where it comes out and how severely. And I think it would be wise to concentrate more on individuals so that the people who are saved from it all get saved properly and securely. Quality over quantity.

Saying that though, I think it is okay to organize school shootings if some person finds it necessary. Seriously, being mocked most of your life is way worse than being killed in a second. And I believe this girl in the video had something to prove to the rest of the school to keep her popularity and acceptance but does it look like a fair end to it all? A boy is dead and one of the reasons that amounted to his depression is on TV and giggling saying how terrible it all was? This is a classic case of "Poor boy...oh well, life goes on". Now if the boy had gone and done a school shooting people would have been like, "What a retard and perv. He probably raped the girl and was a douchebag anyway". And he probably would have gone to jail and all. So why do people like the girl get away with stuff? Murder by far is not the worst thing in the world. Violence is a lot worse. Violence is what makes people evil and violent, murder is just another aspect of violence just like bullying.

And after reading the comments on the film Klass I'm quite appalled. I mean, how can people say that it's exaggerated? Are they really so lucky that they haven't been exposed to such raw human nature or are they just blind? And a lot of people don't actually wanna know stuff like that and randomly judge the one who kills. I mean if you really want to be in denial when it comes to nature then don't eat, sleep, go to toilet, talk to anybody, breathe and socialize and see what a great intelligent mind you are? I mean, if you don't experience these thing it means they don't exist, right? If you don't experience bullying and the hurting and anger that comes with it, it doesn't exist, right?

And how does putting down your peers put you on a higher pedestal? It means you're at the same spot alone.

Anyway, here's another disturbing video:
Oh dear. Some people really are ignorant. Like, there's a person dying right next to you and you do fuck all? Especially if you're a hospital worker? I mean this goes to show that doctors and the likes of them are idiots.

The only doctor I can think of that is half arsedly normal is this doctor who works with my stepmother.
She said that he had said that when he was an intern he knew everything. He knew where things were, what to use and how much medicine should be given, but when he became a doctor he said he realised he doesn't know anything at all. And me and my stepmother came to a conclusion that a clever person is a person who doubts in things not says, "I know this is right, this is the only true thing".

I think it would be only humane and logical that doctors say, "I don't know what is wrong with you" rather than "take this random pill and you'll be fine". Like my personal experience is that I felt nauseous for forever.
Eventually the doctors said, "It's all in your head and here's a prescription for your tummy medicine". Very believable. Why give me a tummy medicine when the problem is in my head, you fucks?
Doctors are not to be believed and trusted cause they work by quantity not quality. They think that a hum,an body is a machine so they treat it like a machine, like if your symptoms tick all the boxes in the book you get the treatment the book suggests.
And another woman that was a patient at the hospital my stepmother works as a nurse in - she was brought in with liver failure. She had had very bad headaches and the doctor prescribed 8 painkillers a day for her.
And the stupid woman took all of the 8 tablets a days for a few months before her liver gave in. I mean how stupid does one have to be to actually prescribe something like it and then another doofus actually acts by the prescription!? Oh god.

Anyway..I think I'm done ranting now. forum has been quiet for a while, wonder if it's gonna be over soon.
Oh's hard work anyway :)

Oh and went to two classes today, chemistry and geography.
Oh, I heard of my new favourite word today - biogeochemical.
So cool! :)
It has all of my exam subjects in it, only physics is missing.

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