Tuesday, November 09, 2010

really want to bitch but I won't


Yeah I'm so not happy about some things and really want to bitch but I won't cause I'm nice.
Plus, I've gone to school the last two days. It's not my thing getting up so early, not used to it.
I'm so tired and sleepy at the minute but have belly dance at five.

I think I don't have any classes tomorrow but have to get up early anyway.
Have to go and do some blood test cause my haemoglobin was too low the last time.
I think it was 117 and it's normal 125 and up.
But my mother said she has always had it low, around 108 and maybe that's why mine is low aswell.
So tomorrow I'll go and check the iron level in my blood.
I hope it's not down, I hate having anemia.

I had it really really bad once, felt soooo dizzy, too dizzy to lay down and too dizzy to stand up. Nightmare!
Felt like passing out all the time.

Yeah, I actually have stuff I want to talk about but I'm too tired.


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