Friday, February 11, 2011

it makes you look like the biggest motherfuckers and father suckers in the world. Yes,worse than George Bush - the man who raped the world

Well, well, Glee is doing Bieber.
And I hear Glee fans complain.
What two faced bitches, as you'd expect Glee fans to be.
I think I already said it before but...Bieber fits a gleek definition very well - he's a young kid who dances and sings.
And again... while the gleeks go crazy with their preaching about accepting everyone for who they are, they so fail at being the gracious and noble people they think they are when complaining about Bieber.
Bieber is very much a kid who sings and dances, if yous have a problem with it, fuck you and please shut the fuck up about fucking "underdogs" and "fitting in" cause you shits have no idea what you're talking about and it makes you look like the biggest motherfuckers and father suckers in the world. Yes,worse than George Bush - the man who raped the world.

Plus, I hope they do Somebody To Love cause that's the decentest Bieber song. And ideally I'd have Kevin sing it and mean it like he meant Jackson songs. If he has a problem with Bieber he's all of the above aswell. I love him anyway cause he's hot.

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