Thursday, February 17, 2011

It was just a regular scene

Got my biology exam book. Now I know what to learn for the exam. Everything.
Ordered the geography and chemistry exam books lat night. Ughhhhh...I'm dreading chemistry so bad.
I won't even study for the english exam. I know I'm not perfect but I can do it on the secondary school level so I should be good.

Oh and I bought this stress tea to lessen my anxiety. And I learned that you cannot put honey in tea that is about 40 degrees or above hot. If it's that hot or hotter then the honey won't work cause the environment's temperature is too hot for the honey's good bits to survive.

Saw Black Swan last night. Well it was rather gross at times. I wasn't that blown away by it though. It reminded me of The Soloist which I liked better, maybe cause cello is closer to me than dancing. And what I liked about The Soloist was that his "mad state" was very much brought out and handled. Handled with naturality while Black Swan was just a "sublime moment" type of film. Mila Kunis is super hot though and her character was quite likable. Plus, at first and throughout most of the film I thought the dance teacher was a dick but he was so right about the girl's passion thing, she was too timid. I liked how he gave out to her for apologizing and her being a wimp. That's about it though. Oh and I have no idea why there was so much hassle about the girls' sex scene....erm....what was so hot about that? It was just a regular scene.

Oh and while I'm at it...the articles I read about Kevin McHale's drooling over women at the Grammy Awards - he so needs to get laid.

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