Thursday, February 17, 2011

What or who does a girl have if not her mother?

Just had the best sex talk with my mother. What or who does a girl have if not her mother?
I just cannot understand how the young girls on my forum can't talk to their mothers about stuff. stuff. It's is forming some sort of a bond but it can be done without the bond aswell. Like, how can a girl talk to her mother about food, money, tv shows, homework, the colour of the wallpaper, doing laundry, whatever and not health? Or periods for that matter. Like, what is so unearthly about periods? Every person has a body and health, every single human being on earth. So why the fuck is it so unrealistically hard to talk about it? Especially to mother? Surely every mother on earth brings up her children cause she has to and puts a lot of hate, intolerance, indifference and misunderstanding into it cause...what else has she not to care about other than her child's wellbeing?

Plus, just started watching You Again and bam! they bring up called life philosophy: you cannot control the things that happen to you in life but you can control the way you react to them. I mean there is no truer saying. All sorts of shit can happen but if you don't think of it as shit then it really is not shit. Simple as that. And I've handled the subject before, in my earlier posts, where I talked about bullying. I said that it's impossible to stop the violence cause it's so deep in the mankind's nature, the only way to deal with it is to work on the "victim's" perception.

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