Saturday, February 26, 2011

they turned into robots and would freeze every now and then and beep "Error"

Had the worst night the previous night.
Felt sick and had nightmares, couldn't sleep at all.
Plus, I was freezing! Such a bad night it's unreal.
I had this dream/nightmare where I was sopposed to be like a babysitter or just helping out the family around their house but something went wrong and they turned into robots and would freeze every now and then and beep "Error". They were always smiling freakily and when having a conversation with them you could have said the worst thing to them they always smiled back and said something irrelevant. Oh and they never remembered anything at the start of a new day - "their data was deleted". I wanted to get the hell out of their household and for some strange reason I nicked the kid and ran away. The only way out was to use this train/rollercoaster type of thing, it kept going back and forth and higher. Then all of a sudden the robot woman was in her own wagon thingy and was chasing me cause in some way she remembered that I had nicked the kid.

Anyway, it was very very disturbing.

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