Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Card Of The Day - Lakshmi

Well well well...this card was drawn in the morning. My father decided to be a total ass again so this is a father related card. And like it says everything should be fine. Eventually.
He was complaining about how "nobody" does anything and my stepmother has to do everything. He totally meant that I'm not a slave like her, or a woman. At first he was talking to the brother about cleaning up and stuff but he was saying like...he knew I could hear him but he made it look like he was giving out to my brother. Anyway, I told him I was studying and then he started giving out to me about that. I just thought it was really funny how he thinks that women have to do all the cleaning in the house and nobody was doing it for him. I told him he's not doing anything either. And he is not. He could've gone and hoovered the house or wash the dishes but no, he just complains about how nobody does anything around him.
Anyway....I totally missed Glee today, will watch it tomorrow and write a review.

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