Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Very very freaky Card Of The Day - White Tara and Mawu

Oh dear. So my card reading has become quite the popular thing amongst my family. I did my stepmother and my brother's cards today. Didn't do mine in the morning cause I was busy watching Glee. Anyway, I got into the swing of card reading and did mine aswell.
First card was White Tara and it says I'm gonna be super sensitive to stuff. It lists different things and it got me worried. I wented to know what I was going to be so sensitive to so decided to pick another card and this is what I got:
Is this fucking freaky or what?! And what makes it freakier is that when I did my stepmother's cards she got this one as well. Before all the card reading we were talking about Japan and all the nuclear business. And I said what kind of an idiot builds something like this on this kind of crazy land where there's tsunamis, earthquakes and shit. I said I wanna have a perfectly normal baby, not a fucked up one that I myself didn't fuck up but some Japanese morons. I totally wish I had had a baby a looooooong time ago cause I don't wanna have one of those creepy Chernobyl babies. I know of someone, well knew, whos father had to go there for some business and their daughter came out with...sick legs. She is fine but she has problems with her legs and it was confirmed it was cause of the father's trip to Chernobyl.
And while I take the whole Japan thing quite rationally I am still a bit worried. I mean, the humankind is not ready for disasters like this and you can relay on the government and I bet if the Earth blows up all of the politicians will be living on a spaceship or something and watch down on Earth and laugh as all the little people suffer and die.
Ugh, it's just frustrating knowing that all these people in charge of countries think they're god and treat everyone like shit, Earth included, but when stuff like this happens they don't know jack and keep on talking shit about how they fucking control everything and how everyone has to bow down to them. Like what kinda idiots raise prices at this time? Everyone is so goddamn greedy it's sickening. Cause of that I wouldn't actually mind if something truly horrible happened so that the world's economy would flat out collapse and all of the politicians would be kicked off their stupid high horses.

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