Saturday, March 19, 2011

Card Of The Day - Sarasvati (upside down)

Well, well. This card goes for 18th of March. Since it's upside down I can find two explanations: 1) I'm not writing enough. Writing as in doing biology.
2) I'm guiding my overly creative mind in a totally wrong direction. That as in my brother fell ill today and was gonna get sick. And my fobia obviously kicked in and I was scared to eat for the whole day. Super! It freaked me the hell out. Hopefully he feels better during the night and tomorrow. For him and myself.

Other than that, I watched a couple of films - Beauty And The Briefcase and Labour Pains.
Oh dear, what sad crappy Sex And The City rip off Beauty And The Breifcase was. In addition it was very awkward to see Hilary Duff play a woman. She will always be a child in my eyes. And honestly, I laughed out loud when she said "sex". It's just funny when little kids say totally inappropriate things, very funny in the wrong way.
I wasn't a big fan of Labour Pains either. I don't really mind Lindsay Lohan as an actress but her...reputation and shit is just gross. Plus, all of the times in the film when she was apologizing for lying and stuff it kind of reminded me of how she had lied in court about all that drug business. more Lindsay Lohan films for me.

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