Saturday, April 23, 2011

Card Of The Day - Mawu & Ixchel

Why, why why!? I just got in from a bike ride. That lasted like....5 minutes. Because for some idiotic reason I get anxiety attacks now when riding a bike. Like, seriously. What. The. Fuck? Cause of the new pills the general nausea has died down but I cannot believe the bike ride made me anxious. How on earth am I supposed to get to Tartu?! I can't go by bus, train or car and now I can't get there even on a fucking bike. Do I really need to fucking walk up there? I swear this body! Like, I did energy cleansing the other day with stepmother and decided to be positive and fucking loving about my body but it's so fucking ridiculous that I just can't love it. My body is an idiot! Flat out! Anxiety this, nausea that, panic all over! For fuck's sake!
And these two cards are about me going to Tartu by bike. Whatever Mawu means but this Ixhel business I don't wanna know. Everytime I get messed up Ixchel pops up.
Blah, everything is so shitty! I wanna go to fucking Tartu and ride my bike, I don't wanna know about any anxiety! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm just gonna go back to the garden. Walk up there! And work cause otherwise I'd be sitting at home, in my room alone and let my fucking body party in loneliness, away from the scary bike! Jaysas, the idiocy of the body!

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