Saturday, April 23, 2011

Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my father's going on again how my stepmother works herself to death and I as a woman am not doing anything at home. I swear!!!!!!!! I hate his shitty sexism and chauvinism!!!!!!
I'm fucking struggling so hard with my anxiety and staying calm (fuck, even a bike ride freaks me out and eating!) and in he comes with his shit for brains sexist talk. I swear I loathe it sooooooooooooooooo much. He can totally suck dick if he's so manly. I don't give a shit, I won't be his fucking slave!
Ugh, if riding the bike didn't freak me out so much I'd get on it first thing in the morning and get the fuck away from this sexist shit. It's unbelievable how sexist one can be!!!! He's always putting me with my 11 year old brother so when he told me I wasn't doing the dishes I told well the brother isn't doing it either. And then he's like fucking protecting him like he doesn't need to do anything. Of course he doesn't he's a fucking tiny man. And men only do FUCK ALL.
Argghhhhhhhh, he came in again and was like blahhhhhhhhh.

I swear he drives me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every fucking mindless thing on earth that is anything with a pussy do the dishes, spread your legs for the glorious god that is a dick, suck it, fuck and then get back to cooking and doing the dishes. I swear all men should be fucking gay. Fuck each other and stay away from humans, that is women. I will never ever. Ever! Get married. I swear, I'm a lot closer to suicide as it is but I'd totally rather kill myself than do anything for a man. Never will I ever please any man. Fuck, no more blowjobs and luckily for me I always come before the man so I will fucking treat them like they should be treated. Or I deliberately get pregnant and force the custody to the man. Hell, I'm half crazy and monyless and jobless anyway. I'd only do it to ruin a man's life. I swear, I wanna kill a man. Any man. Fucking bring it bitches, I will fucking kill you.

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