Sunday, April 03, 2011

Why did the Simpsons have to be tainted!?

Yeah.... I've been trying to find a new TV show to watch. I tried Pretty Little Liars but that show is mostly just showing the girls pretty faces and random unnecessary phone calls from beyond the grave. Kinda boring.

So I thought I'd watch Simpsons's good and old and tried. I didn't wanna start with the old episodes though cause I've seen most of them so I clicked on one of the newer ones:
Seriously, when I heard Lisa's going to performing arts camp I thought it was gonna be as cheesy as Glee. And when I heard the voices I literally bursed out laughing with ridicule. Oh why? Why did the Simpsons have to be tainted!?

Oh and I lost a follower...I don't know even know who so...bye anyway! :)

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