Sunday, May 08, 2011

Giving away dogs is not a nice business

Okay. Giving away dogs is not a nice business. You get all sorts of animal rights and breeder people contacting you and sort of giving out to you.
First when we were giving away the puppies this one woman contacted my mother and asked how it was possible that a Dachshund impregnated a Labrador and that it's kind of not right.
Okay, we don't necessarily keep an eye on our dog's sex life. We planned to get it fixed but it god pregnant first.
Yeah so we have one puppy left who we wanna keep cause it has to have an operation done on it and shit.
Plus the German Shepherd we have (not pure breed) well... we wanna get rid of it cause it's not really our dog anyway. It just appeared on our land one day and we kept it here for the time being.
So today this another woman contacts us and she's asking why we wanna get rid of the dog. And I say we cannot afford to have so many dogs and the one isn't ours anyway. And then she's asking about the well being of the puppies and shit. And I'm like we fucking gave away those already, now we wanna get rid of the German Shepherd.
If she gets back to me one more time about the puppies or the Labrador I'm gonna.... not reply to her.
Our dogs are fucking healthy and happy, okay! Does this look like a sick, hungry and unhappy dog to you:

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