Sunday, May 08, 2011

Media has done nothing but shit ever since it started reigning beside the patriarchy.

Okay, so I told my mother this morning I didn't want a man but a woman.
It wasn't like a coming out story or anything, my mother knows I hate men and that they're only good for sex. Plus she hates them herself.
Anyway, she started going on about those homo parades. And I said not all "homosexual" people go on those parades. Not that I'm a fan of those parades but a couple of little parades are in no way comparable to the rest of the oversexed heterosexual world. I wouldn't even separate the things, everything is oversexed and the homosexual shit is just a little fraction of it all.
My mother started taking about how everything should be celebrated then: zoophilia, pedophilia etc. That is a very common and cliche answer from.... people with the kinda views on the subject. And I'm like, everything is fine and worth celebrating when nobody gets hurt. But the thing is, what happens in a lot of heterosexual marriages - husbands rape their wives. But it's "okay" because a woman "has to sleep with the man because they're married". And heterosexual marriage is like... fucking sacred to the world and everybody fucking gushes when they hear the word like it makes them fucking immortal or something. Sure women rape aswell but there are far more stories and criminals like that amongst men.
So the issue is not about women or homosexuality, it's about men and patriarchy. Where ever and when ever there is a man there's sexual tension, violence and as a result of those two - perversion - doing something sexual to someone against their will. So in light of that, I think it's only healthy when men stick to men. They can perv together and leave normal people - women - alone. Although any "woman" who's had an abortion should stick with men cause....they're retarded. Like I've said before, the nature sets off the embryo as female and later on the sex of the baby is determined which makes men retarded women. So when a woman is given the abilty to have a baby and she kills it she defies nature and instantly becomes retarded, like a man. She is no longer a woman cause she defies the woman-only abilities. Plus she knowingly stops/decreases the continuity of the species. Being homosexual is not a choice but having an abortion is.
So I asked my mother if people should stop celebrating birthdays aswell cause some women decide to kill their babies and it's not normal and how can we party when retarded shit like that happens in the world, wouldn't we be drawing more attention to the abortion like that. My point at the time was that the world is oversexed and for some reason homosexuality gets in people's way.
Plus there are cases in which it is impossible to tell whether the person is a man or a woman (I read that there are some women out there with the chromosomes X and Y). So by genes they're supposed to be men but they don't have any manly features because the certain gene just doesn' I know it's rare but it just shows nature is relative and you cannot set boundaries like that (that a woman has to be with a man).
If women were supposed to be with men then why do men hang out with men and women with women. Shouldn't we all hating our sex's individuals and only hang out with the opposite sex?
And I don't understand why people hate gays, like... okay they're freaks but it's okay, they cannot breed so what the fuck is the problem?! If you're a hater of that then's fine, they don't breed and become extinct. Problem solved. Let them have their fucking parades, who gives a fuck. And my mother said they shouldn't be doing their parades cause nobody gives a fuck who they fuck. Well, if you don't give a fuck then why do you hate it all?! You shouldn't fucking have an opinion on the subject.
I do have an opinion cause I hate men with a reason - they're selfish bastards, I can tell it from an abundance of personal experience.
I doubt my mother knows a bunch of homosexuals. I asked her where the lesbians are that she hates so much and she couldn't give me an answer.
Plus I think this "homosexual" shit is just a stupid propaganda. If there was no title of this kind people wouldn't know any different. Like if there was no christianity and non-christians (or as the christians like to say "satans") then people wouldn't know any different either.
Damn, I hope the fucking solar storm will come and wipe out all of the internet and electrical business. Media has done nothing but shit ever since it started reigning beside the patriarchy.

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