Saturday, May 07, 2011

Glee Friday review

Okay, I gotta pick up this subject again.
So Glee fans were complaining when they did Justin Bieber and now they're complaining cause they're doing Rebecca Black. Ugh, what retards!
The result is everybody ends up liking the songs and say stuff like "This song is actually good".
Well of course it is. It's just that you're a mindless fucked up retard who doesn't know what's what unless it's pointed out in the media.
It's unreal how idiotic those people are. And they go around calling themselves gleeks. Glee was supposed to be about accepting people the way they are, much more preaching about how singing is cool. So why the fuck complain about Rebecca and Justin - kids who like singing?! I bet those cunt faces can't produce any kind of noise whatsoever or do anything else half decently.
Ughhh, I cannot wait til Glee is over or til Kevin McHale finds a new job cause I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of this Glee shit. It's the worst fucking show ever. It's even worse than Friends and Sex And The City.
I swear this show makes me hate gay people and music. I can see how people cannot stand homos and their parades - it's fucking as annoying as Ryan Murphy's gay Glee parade. You just wanna kill a bitch.
I've so had enough of the fucking preaching about gays. Bring on the music and shut the fuck up already, nobody gives a shit about who buttfucks whom. Anal is horrible anyway. I think Ryan Murphy has mistaken writing a script with watching porn cause he seems to put his fantasies and perversions into Glee.

About the song itself. Well, I think it sounds good enough. Pretty much the same but Mark Salling has a very nice voice so...

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