Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Glee New York review

Gershwin? Yes please.
Although it's a bit too americanized and ugh.

Oh god....please tell me I wasn't the only one grossed out by the Sasquatch's weird-ass dancing during the second chorus of the New York song?! She looked like a fat and jiggly planet spiralling out of control on its trajectory. And what is this stupid song?

"You look so pretty tonight"? It was light out, like noon.

Rachel, Finn - bitches shut up when Kevin's singing!!! Cause everything with those two in it is over the top cheesy.

How the hell was Kurt allowed in the girls room? So any man can say they're gay while let into the girls' room to perv at them now? No person is 100% gay, bi or straight or whichever labels there are.
If you've got a dick in your pants, you stay in the dudes' room not run into the girls room yapping about Tiffany's. I feel so sickened by the media making gay men look like they're a girl's best friend and that they know all about fashion and shit. I like my friends to be normal people, thank you very much and I couldn't care less about fashion. And I'm not saying gay people aren't normal but the ones portrayed in the media are legit retards.

Okay, what's with the whole bowing down to Broadway? It's not that big of a deal. Some random theatre.

Oh a haircut is supposed to make you feel better after a breaking up?
Hmmmm, it rings "a stupid little bell" to quote Jackie Burkhart.
This is exactly what happened in That 70s Show. And I've said it several times before no show comes near the quality and essence of that show.

Oh jaysas, what the fuck was the girl on the white dress doing in the stage? In what world is that called dancing? The tune sounded nice though.

Ahahahaha, brilliant scene!!! The Sunshine girl went to the embassy right before the show to put Rachel in her place. Wow, the show is good. A good way to show the stupidity of the writers and since they put it out there to laugh at I'm doing it.

Ugggggghhhhhhhhh, wish for once the show would be original and not leave the glee club for the last act. It's all so predictible and boring.

Oh and the Light Up The world looked  and sounded  very much like the other song they did, some... Loser.
Oh and I just couldn't help but notice the horryfing deity that the Sasquatch was. She just looks unbearably gross, what with wearing wearing a short dress that shows her fat o-legs and shit. And her scary bingo-wings! She looks absolutely repulsive.
But you gotta love Mark Salling's dancing. He dances like a grandpa :D He looks suave.

Oh man, I don'tknow if I'm heartless and don't get the show's humour and laugh at the wrong bits or maybe I'm just normal and sensible but I laughed out loud when I saw their sad faces when they learned that they didn't place :D Hahahaaa, it was so funny :D

Okay, the Kurt and Blaine scene. So gay men are the only ones capable of holding down a normal relationship? I will loathe Ryan Murphy for the rest of his life for this shitty gay overload on the show. Men suck. Dick. Men will never be normal human beings. Fucking accept it. You can buttfuck all you want you're still a man and will be one retard til the day you die.

Aha, so there...the speech about acceptance. The one I expected when they were at another competition. Man, I love how I'm always right. Glee sucks monkey butt and that's where they place first. Congradulations!

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