Monday, June 06, 2011

instead of knocking he threw stones at their door

Okay, so today we went swimming, me, my brother and his friend Silver.
About like an hour and a half later the neighbour boys came aswell.
Later on, we came home and when I went to unlock the door, it kind of was already open. I couldn't tell really, cause I was talking to my brother at the same time. And he asked me wether I had actuslly closed the door. I knew I had done it. It was cause one of the neighbour boys is a retard and lurks around our house when nobody is home. He usually gets my brother's key cause he knows where he used to keep it but my brother lost his key, so now only me, my mother and her man have keys.
Anyway, today I locked the door. Fact. We got back, it was open, it wasn't just unlocked it was actually open. Fact. Since it all seemed illogical I didn't think about it and let it slip.
Now about half an hour ago my mother asks me why I have a ladder under my window. And I have no idea about any ladders. So they asked my brother about it and I confirmed he had been with me the whole time. When they mentioned the ladder was under my window I went to check it and then I saw it! All of our windows have like... nets in front of them so the gnats can't get in and mine was torn off.
And it was very obvious the neighbour boy had been inside, came in through my window and left through the front door and left it open.
Well, as I've mentioned before we have three dogs and they DO NOT let strangers in. Plus if it had been some random thief they would've taken something but nothing was taken. I mean we have two desktop computers, two laptops, a buttload of every kind of video and audio devices.
Mymother's man went straight over to the neighbours and instead of knocking he threw stones at their door. Well, the fuckers obviously said they don't know anything and started saying how our dogs ONCE took their watering can and brought it over to our place. Well, the shitheaded kid has been to our house several times before, he's always spying on my mother and her man when they're in sauna.
Plus one time when he had been inside our house he ate my brother's crisps. Then the other day I had a bottle of drink out with me but when I went in for a while the bottle went missing and it definitely wasn't my brother or the dogs cause we would have at least seen the empty bottle somewhere.
Plus, the neighbour's cats are always on our land mooching for food, plus their three dogs are always out, even when it's like fucking -30 out in winter. They let their damn dogs rape their cats and the things are so sick looking it's disgusting.
Anyway, I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad and upset when we realised it was the shitface who had been in my room. I shouted, and I mean I screamed on top of my lungs that when I get my hands on him I will kill him. Then I ran inside and banged the fuck outta myself on the wall and screamed again that I will kill him when I see him next.
And I swear, I know he is only 11, but I will physically assult him when I see him next. I will do it.
My mother says he is a special needs boy. Well, what the fuck!? I 'm fucking sick aswell, I fucking have to take 5 tranquillizers a day to function even on the minimum level but you don't see me spying on people or breaking into other people's homes. That shitty jizzface is the luckiest son of a cunt in the world that we haven't gone to the police with the whole thing.
Well, if he gets away with everything cause he is special then I will fucking hurt him, I willlllllllll dooooooooo ittttttttt, and then claim I'm fucking special aswell and cannot control my emotions. I wanna fucking see them call the police when I bust his hairless babyballs and ram them down his damn throat!
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I will forever and ever loathe him and I will make him pay for it. I will make him pay for it!

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