Friday, June 03, 2011

Little Miss Wants The Devil

Okay, seen two films recently and I haven't been impressed.

What A Girl Wants is quite a crappy film. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It's really dull and the music is weird.

Another film I saw and didn't particulary like was Little Miss Sunshine. It was just weird... and uncomfortable. Toni Colette might just be one of my fave actresses but the whole film was not for me. I had heard it was a good film but always thought it wouldn't be so good and unfortunately I was proven right. I guess everyone in the family had potential as characters but they kinda remained empty shells. Although Toni was quite perfect, well... they were all good enough actors but the film just didn't bind to me. I mean yeah it had the point "Fuck the life that's like a beauty contest" but... meh.

Oh and as well as What A Girl Wants, also The Devil Wears Prada - I'm not feeling the whole "You've changed, I like the old "real" you". And I don't like it how they make the changer be the bad guy. Okay, the universe is dynamic, you cannot change it. While there are times when people knowingly change themselves or situations then most of the times you cannot control the stuff that happens. Life around you changes and you change to adjust to it. So I don't fucking understand why they're promoting the stagnant lifestyle. If you do stuff, stuff happens and things change, for better or worse. If they wanted to tell a story of something stagnant then they should create a character who doesn't do anything but even then the person would change. It's unaviodable. Or they could create story and characters where people accept the change and realise that everything is real and needs getting used to not changing it back to the way it was and expect it to stay the same for the rest of their lives.

Oh and another thing - been watching Ice Age 3 and I cannot stand the whole Scratch business with the female squirrel. Um... oh poor men. Women take your nuts and lure you to fly with them and then dump you and then they make you do all the chores and are never happy with what you do!
Fuck! Men never do any chores, they just scratch their nuts while lazying around on the couch. I just loathe the stupid chauvinism exposed to little kids, I mean the one that makes women look evil.


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