Saturday, July 16, 2011

back up your shitty words with actions or don't fucking say the things!

So I was all excited over the fact that Kevin might be leaving Glee for once and for all. And then I saw these interviews with him in Australia. Ughhh.... I sincerely hoped they had got over the whole "underdog" issue.
Glee is bullshit like Gaga. Just throwing big words at people and grabbing their money.
I swear my shit was boiling when Kevin said the show tackles some really big issues or whatever the fuck his exact words were. I cannot believe someone that hot can be so stupid or weak to (be made to) say such things.
Oh wow, they said "underdog"! Then they said "teen pregnancy". Then "bullying". Then "body image" And the show really is about sleeping around. It's just random words thrown at people, fucking word vomit.
This shit angers me so much. If you don't fucking back up your shitty words with actions don't fucking say the things!
Jaysas, what a bimbo Kevin is. Just a nice packaging.

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