Friday, July 29, 2011

it's pretty much everything I believe in, it's pretty much everything I do not do

So I've been bored out of my mind lately.
There is nothing to do in the garden, the lawn is mowed and it's too hot out to bike to Tartu.
Ughghh, I can't be arsed to be on the net or play the sims.
Been reading a few books and I got an idea.
Well... I've had the idea ever since I was like 17.
I thought I'd become religious. I'll try it out, maybe it turns out okay. It's gonna be super hard cause... well since it's pretty much everything I believe in, it's pretty much everything I do not do.
I will have to educate myself some more before I'll properly call myself religious. I told my mother about it yesterday and she rolled her eyes and said in a warning tone "You're not gonna be a crazy Jehova's witness now are you?".
Well, no. Nothing to do with Christianity since all that is mindless fairytale and false morals, plus denying anything natural and humane.
I'm more into something that is based on facts and science. And since I've read secondary school chemistry books and they state very obviously that energy makes the littlest electrons "vibrate" then that's what I believe in. And I've heard from my dotctor that my anxiety is caused by the disorder of electrical connection between nerve cells in my that's also energy. I will be properly learning about working with energy.
Plus, the religion highly worships goddesses, hence I changed my blog's name.

Yeah... what got me writing today is the fact that there was an article about abortion. I will for ever and ever disapprove of abortion. And it appalls me that people say the growing baby is just a piece of mindless tissue and it's no big deal removing it. Wow, I can't even!
Yeah and they always start accusing you, a pro lifer, of supporting rape. Um... well, if a woman can do whatever the fuck she wants with her body then why can't a man? He decides to pleasure his body and hurt the woman, when a woman decides to live a carefree life and kill her baby. Totally the same thing and they are so blind they don't see it. And while I'm at it, I'd like to mention that I wouldn't call a female who supports abortion a woman cause... she simply isn't one. A woman would be ready to kill anyone who is a threat to her child's life, not be ready to kill her baby to live an irresponsible life herself.
While I support anything womanly I do not accept the state of mind that women are above nature. Yes, they are above men, but not nature.
Pregnancy just is a way people come to be and removing such a living thing at any state is murder. End of.
Yeah, I said a few words there... where the article is but I just cannot be around this stupidity and evil. I mean, I didn't even get mad or anything, I just left when the killers started acting like broken records. It's so lame and sadof them to say stuff like, "I am woman, no one can tell me what to do with my body". God, how immature!? When you are pregnant your body is not your body, it's a living space for a new life. And fine if you wanna be the only one in your body, okay. But when you decide to kill a growing human being, you are a murderer. It's a simple, true fact.
In any other condition it would be okay to consider only the woman but pregnancy is not the woman's health condition, she is sharing her body with someone else and if you cannot accept it, you're not a woman.


1 comment:

Sweet Kroshka said...

A totally irrelevant comment but some images are super funny so I let it be.