Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jaysas, dog people!

Wow. So I was just made sure of my hate towards dogs.
Seriously... I went on this dog forum and the people are such smartasses it's unreal. It's even worse than the girls on my forum. They're like Jehova's witnesses, like "If you don't like dogs, we're gonna tar'n'feather you". Okay, I'm the one who went there but still. And one of the mods was like super snarky about someone's comment on wanting to delete their user cause other had been bitches to them. Yeah, so the mod was a snarky biotch and the regular members' comments were snarky aswell.
Jaysas, dog people!

I went there to findout why Donna rolls around on dead animals and I get such lectures of how a person like me is not suppose to have a dog and they were all so fucking eager to take her away from me. Sorry, bitches, Donna stays with me, not-a-dog-person who has brains and will never be with one of you crazy smartass dog people.

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