Monday, August 15, 2011

COTD - Green Tara, Nemetona, Ostara

Well, back to my card business. It's all about my health and college. So, I told my stepmother yesterday I'm gonna start meditating and shit. Have to get on with it cause there's only two weeks left in August and then... COLLEGE!
Yeah, the father and stepmother visited us yesterday. They brought my winter clothes that I had left behind when I moved to Tartu.
Uggghghhhhhh, I sooooo hope my anxiety will let me study.
Plus yesterday it kinda came out that I'm pretty much addicted to my pills and have no indipendance (sp). Like, whenever I feel I'm getting my looney on I rely on my pills to make me feel better. I supress my anxiety.
Anyway...there's like a camp/fieldtrip type of thing before college where you get to meet all the new students and get to know the courses and the buildings and student life and I really wanna go there. So... again, I hope the anxiety won't  butt in.

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