Thursday, February 28, 2013

Part of me wants it. Part of me doesn't

Todays has been quite productive. Went to my mother's workplace to bring her food. Plus she brought my clean underwear with her so I got those. Then I went down to the library to give back the Coraline book and got a Salinger book. Then I went to the social welfare type of place to get some sort of a letter.

I still don't know whether I got the dispatcher job or not. Part of me wants it. Part of me doesn't.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Heh. Dunno why but this tomato at the end made me smile. It's so cute. Yet another cuteness from my forum.

On another note, today was quite good. At work like. I felt very hungry but not that nauseous or anything. I sent one taxi to the wrong address though. Hopefully it won't cost me the job. The taxi drivers will pick between me and this other woman in the following days.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

sell some of them and the others I thought of putting up for a giveaway

So I went through my clothes press. I have a few itmes of clothing I don't fit anymore. And most likely will never fit again. So I decided to sell some of them and the others I thought of putting up for a giveaway.
So here's the first item, a Jane Norman top:

If anyone's interested, leave your name and email address in the comment section. :)
If I get any answers, I'll be randomly picking the winner next weekend.

Friday, February 22, 2013

a bit of a party day/evening

At my mother's place. Thinking maybe I should start taking omeprazole cause I feel like gagging when eating.'s not like that just at work it's all the time, except when I'm in town. But in town I get anxiety when shopping for food. Total lose lose situation.
Anyway, tomorrow's supposed to be a bit of a party day/evening. We've got quests comin' over and shit. Everyone, except me are gonna drink and then there's sauna and everything. Oh I so hope I'm gonna have a nice weekend cause I'm back to work next Tuesday. Hopefully I won't get nausea at work. :(

Thursday, February 21, 2013

At work. Feeling anxious.

At work. Feeling anxious. Should be going to mother's place today. Leavng work earlier than usually, hopefully I won't feel nausea.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I just can't live my life. At all.

Ughhh, just got a bollocking from the mother. I told her I wanna quit my job. Well, I don't officially even have it yet. But my anxiety is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad. I get reeeeeeeeaaaaaaallllyyyy nauseous a work.
I want the job and all but the anxiety is making it really hard. Fuck my brain, seriously like. Why the fuck me!? Why me!?!! Why the fuck do I have to have the damn anxiety. Couldn't someone who stayed at home all the time have it instead of me? I just can't live my life. At all.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

miss the good old days

Oh bother. Today has been one old crap of a day. Got anxiety at work. And that pretty much ruined my day. I just hate the feeling in my head when I get anxiety. I can feel something rising in my head and it feels like my head is gonna explode. Plus my stomach turns.
And then my bike broke. I can't even explain in my mother tongue what is wrong with it, let alone in English. Simply put, one of the wheels isn't moving like it's supposed to. So I cannot ride it, have to walk with it by my side. A man at my mother's workplace offered to give me a lift to the bike shop and I said I don't do cars. Then he offered to take the bike there on his car so i wouldn't have to walk with it and I said I don't do walking by my self. It's so hard to explain my anxiety to people. Plus the man at the bike shop said I can leave the bike there overnight and he'd fix it tomorrow. Yeah, had to explain my anxiety again. Not easy. Oh how I miss the good old days when I was normal. Seriously.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Dispatcher position

Gah, tomorrow's my test day at this taxi company. Dispatcher position. My anxiety has been really bad so I'm worried. I can't even go to the shop my anxiety is that bad. Ahhh... body, come on, work with me now!
It seems a pretty laid back job. Just have to answer the phone calls and give the taxi drivers directions. Well, the bad thing is, I don't really know my hometown. I mean they have papers to help me and all but I'm still nervous I get some kinda place that I don't know and then I don't know which taxi driver to turn to.
I hope I'll be good enough and learn quickly so I can get the job. It's not too far from home. Although it has a 12 hour shift on the minimum wage. I cannot wait to have the night shift! I hope I can bring my own laptop and spend the whole night on the internet... Mwuahahahaaa! :D

Oh and my internet connection has been painfully slow. I haven't even seen the latest Glee episode.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Just remembered... I lost a follower. Bye! Thanks for stopping by.

Aaannd, I just finished reading Coraline. I wanted to buy the book but couldn't so I got one from the library. It was in Estonian. I must say, it was rather...poor. The structure of the sentences was too simple and the use of words was, again, poor. Maybe it was so crap cause it was translated and the one in English is good. Dunno, but I wasn't impressed. It was so simple I thought I could write a book. Ah well, at least it got me reading. I sould do more of it. It was my only book in ages. The last book I read before it was The Catcher In The Rye.

Okay, off to bed now and swollow gallons of spit.

Feel like my brain is dying

How unfortunate! My head is aching. Feel like my brain is dying. Actually, today it has felt like I have an ear ache. Will go to the doctor tomorrow again and hopefully we'll figure something out. Maybe she'll send me to another doctor, a specialist. Oh and I have this weird symptom going on, the salivary gland is producing exessive amount of spit. It's so weird.

Saturday, February 09, 2013

She does art!

Oh no! Glee's doing Ellie's Anything Could Happen!
I guess it's srot of good since it's good promo for Ellie but... her songs are waaaaaaayyy too good for the show. She does art!

My brother's fallen ill. Hopefully I won't catch it. Oh and went to the doctor on Friday. She says she thinks my headaches are linked to my periods. Hmm... well it tends to ache then but it also aches at other times.

Oh and I managed to download and "install" a crack for my Sims 3. I can play again! :)

Friday, February 08, 2013

Glee Diva review

Okay Blaine is as much of a diva as a potato.

Okay, I can't really deal with the bullshit of people randomly showing up at their old school for no reason. Although Naya's got great legs. Dodgy choreography.
Ughhh, I just hate the sing offs.

Oh fuck! More gays!

Jayma Mays is likeable.

I'm trying very hard not to say anything negative about Jenna. But gotta admit it, liked the Madonna song.

Oh dear, that Kurt and Rachel song is BORING!

Ahhhh!!!! :D THE kiss!!

Thursday, February 07, 2013

LOL This needs to be documented

LOL This needs to be documented. I was just chilling out in my brother's room. Laying down on his bed, with dogs. Brother was playing Minecraft. It was all quiet in the room. And then I farted and the brother jolted. :D Hahahaa... I gave him such a fright with my fart.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

I'm not a happy customer!

What the fuck!?
So I have the kind of internet connection that gives you 30 GBs of fast connection a month. When you go over that the connection goes slow. And normally it takes me two weeks to reach the 30 GB but now, just now I discovered I have reached, like. What the fuck!? How is it possible to reach it in 6 days!? I will most definitely be calling up the internet provider and have a word with them. I'm not a happy customer! I have only downloaded one film and watched a couple of TV shows online. I definitely haven't surfed 30 GB worth of net.

Plus, going to mother's place tomorrow and to doctor on Friday. Have to find out the cause of my headaches. It's not normal that I get these pains around my period when I have never had them before. Last night and yesterday and the night before were totally horrible. At one point the pain was so bad I thought I was gonna cry.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Aches and pains

Ow. I had such a horrible night. My head was aching so bad. And it's still only on the right side of my head. Even my right eye is watering and aching, feels uncomfortable. And my right ear pains me. Ughhhhh...really not feeling this whole headache thing.
Feeling like shit, feel kinda hunrgy but don't wanna eat, have to take a shower but don't want to.

Why the long titles?

Patrick Stump has such an awesome voice. Literally awesome.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Mata u suck

Yes, I sometimes see cute and funny things on my forum so here's a little something:
Dunno why but it was so cute to me.


Quand On Cherche L'Amour

Yeah, I have no idea what the title of this post says but let's all enjoy the voice!

Friday, February 01, 2013

Glee Naked review

Where was Sugar?

Nothing too irritating in this episode, although full of cheese.