Friday, July 25, 2014

I've got nice boobs

Yay! In 2009, on the 25th of july I started my blog. Was called doowally then. Happy blog birthday to me! :)

Yeah, as I've said before, I'm rewatching Friends at the minute. I would have loved Home Improvement or That 70s Show but I know the shows too well. I konw everything that's about to happen or what they're gonna say so...I went for something more unfamiliar.
Yeah, I still very much hate Rachel...although this bit was funny:
Monica: You wore your nightie to dinner?
Rachel: Oh yeah. And the best part though was when the waiter spilled water down my back. I jumped up and my boob popped out.
Monica: Oh no!
Rachel: Yeah. It's alright, I've got nice boobs.

Maybe I found it funny and liked it cause I'm in my body loving period at the moment.

Yeah and I'm loving Tumblr these days. I love how I have followers whom I follow and we keep liking and reblogging each other's stuff. :) Well, James Franco stuff. I basically live in his tag on Tumblr.

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