Friday, July 25, 2014

James Franco is god!

I really want to work on a farm. I even applied for a job with pigs and piglets. Got a call from them (as in the farmers not pigs :p) this morning, had to turn down the place cause it's too far out of town.

Yeah and I just got back from swimming. Think I got stung by a wasp on my neck. It wasn't as sore as when I stepped on a bee but it's not itchy as if a say gnat had bitten me. I hope I won't get fever again like with the bee sting. That would ruin my weekend. :(

And I mowed a bit of land already...want to mow some more so I can do fuck all tomorrow. Yeah and watch Friends.

James Franco is god! I sooo wanna shag him. I know he's no different than your average guy but my feelings are different.

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