Sunday, August 03, 2014

Physical, with symptoms

So my anxiety comes up in conversations with people, randomly and not so randomly. Today when we were barbecuing I said something like "back in the day when I couldn't eat". And Lembit said, "Couldn't eat? We don't have teeth and you can't eat?"
Ughhhhhh!!!!! I know I'm ignorant myself but I just cannot stand it when people are ignorant to me.
The thing anxiety used to really bad, so bad that I couldn't eat. The food just wouldn't go down, it felt like I was chewing on tasteless plastic. Everything was just revolting. My throat locked itself and I was unable to swollow. It's a common anxiety symptom.
And then Lembit was saying I have teeth so I should be able to eat.
I just hate hate hate how people treat mental illnesses. Even my stepmother who's a nurse says stuff like "you have your arms and legs, you can walk". Seriously!? I should be happy that I have arms and legs and can walk!? Should cancer patients be happy that they have arms and legs and can walk!? They mean that there is nothing "physically" wrong when you have a mental illness so you should not be complaining cause "physically" you're "healthy". Okay bitches, you want physical, you get physical. The receptors in the brain are not working properly, the chemicals in your brain are out of balance, that's the physical part of the illness, mental disturbances are just the symptoms. Should all the people with genetic, hormonal, blood diseases also not complain because they're "healthy" and they're "physically" okay!?
Why does Lembit stay home from work when he has a cold!? He has his arms, legs, teeth, he can walk, there is nothing physically wrong with him so why is he acting sick!?

Ughhhhhhh!!!! I just cannot stand this stupid idea that people have that mental illness is nothing. It's an illness, and can be a disability, like any other condition. Physical, with symptoms.

I got stung by a wasp today. Luckily didn't get a fever. :)

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