Friday, May 27, 2016

Maybe tomorrow will suck but whatever. I have a good week behind me!

Phew! I remember posting this type of post years ago but... here we go again.
Finished my first week at my new job. I only got anxiety before going to work. Once I got there everything was fine. The job is supposed to last three hours. But today I got done in 2 hours and 15 minutes. I tried to be super fast cause I didn't wanna be the one to set up the alarm system. There's another woman cleaning another part of the building and I want her to do it.
Plus my bike broke on monday. So tomorrow I'm taking it to the shop. I dunno how I'll get home and how I'll get to go and pick it up, walking. I mean... I gotta get it back before work on monday. Yeah the chain and some cogs need to be changed. Hopefully it'll work just fine afterwards. Ahh... life seems good at the minute.
Maybe tomorrow will suck but whatever. I have a good week behind me!

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