Wednesday, January 18, 2017

So... a cute thing

So... a cute thing. My periods started a week early. Why? Cause of the same damn reason I had them twice in november. My damn pills! Trying to go off of them, precisely. Eff!

Other than that, went to see my therapist today we were supposed to do my disability/pension thing again for me to gain 9 euros monthly. Damn, my ID card codes are... were missing. I found ones but they were my expired card's codes. Had to go to the bank to get new codes. Will do the disability thing next week.

Oh and my Hayao Miyazaki anime cup is in Tartu, called a post office today to send it to another post office that is closer to me. Ahhhh!

Oh and the other day I had a dream about this little girl who had some degenerative disease. There was like a fundraiser for her treatment. I remember thinking I was poor but gave the girl 50 euros. Then the little girl came to hug me cause of that, I wanted her away from me cause I was so scared I'd contract the disease. I just wanted my money back. And then yesterday, after I had forgotten about it, I found my last 50 euro note of the money my dad's fam gave to me for my birthday. Yay! I'm rich!


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