Wednesday, February 08, 2017

for real, today I did talk to him

So I dunno, have mixed feelings about today. I kinda found out my crush's name. Not too sure what it is. I FBd him and not sure if it's him or not. Like all cute guys look like him so it's hard to tell.
Plus, for real, today I did talk to him. I asked him if it was okay to leave my bin bags inside if the big bin outside is full. And he said if there's no other place to put them it was okay to leave them inside and that they'd take them out when they could. Also he said there was some sort of a control thingy today so they put my trashbag into some other bin. Yay! I talked to him! I looked like a potato but whatever. When don't I look like a potato, though!?
Yeah and then my co worker who cleans the garage part asked him for his name. She said "Someone wants to know" when he asked "Why". Shit I hope he doesn't realize it's me.

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