Wednesday, February 08, 2017

I ate a tomato today

Okay, a little update. Didn't take my iron pill yesterday or today. Headaches are gone. Fuck! How crazy are those pills!? Never had any issues like that before. Maybe they've changed the dosage of the pill ingredients. Doctor said to take them pills every other day, not every day. Will wait a week to be completely sure the headaches were caused by iron. Have to ring my GP again then, dunno when to go for a check up again.
Was just thinking about what to eat for iron cause as I said liver and beet won't cut it. They're too gross for me. There's one liver sauce I like but the shop that sells it is across the bridge, on the other side of the town. And the last time I had it, was the time when I had that glorious diarrhea for the two days I had the sauce. Dunno if it was cause of the sauce or something else but I'm thinking yes, it was the liver. I'd give it a go now but the weather is far too cold to go so far on the bike. Maybe in the summer. Or spring when it's nice out and I actually wanna go out cause it's so beautiful and awesome. :)
Yeah as I was thinking about food just now, I remembered a dream I had recently. It was of my mum telling me how they cook beef. Like, she was telling it in a way like we or I had never had beef. She was saying how the beef is left really rare and it's bleeding and shit. And I started lamenting, "I ONLY EAT FULLY COOKED MEAT!!" Weird.
But... I ate a tomato today! :D There's iron in it right!?

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