Monday, February 06, 2017

two weeks

Yeah I'm going off my iron pills. For two weeks. To see if they are the cause of my headaches and poor wellbeing. If I get better I have to go in for blood tests just after a month on the pills. Called the dotctor, talked to the nurse, said I have to eat red meat, liver and beet for two weeks. Yeah I'm afraid beet and liver are out. :D They're the grossest. Maybe I'll buy tomato juice or something. Have to research the food with lots of iron in them.
Yeah and today, after maybe even years, I woke up by myself, and I felt like I wasn't ready to get up, like I wanted to sleep some more. But it was time to get up. Felt weird and deprived. Oh well. I slept for about 8 hours so it should be enough.
Oh and the night when mum came over... went well. I got done pretty quickly at work, was in my turbo mode. We came back, ate and mum went to sleep, I played the sims til 5 am or so. She didn't give out to me or anything. Yay!
And dunno if I mentioned it already but the audit thing at work went well aswell. No comments on the cleaning/cleanliness whatsoever.
Yehh, that's it.

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