Wednesday, March 01, 2017

stressing me out

Ugh, life sucks so much right now! And there's nothing I can do about it.
First, I dunno if I will have a job or not.
The cleaning company's expenses are higher than income when it comes to my car shop and they upped their service price. Now they're waiting for reply from the shop. If they agree to it then I will keep working like I am now. If they don't agree I will lose my job. I don't wanna work anywhere else cause I just got use to this place and job, anxiety wise. Took me fucking seven months! If the shop does not agree with the new price they will probably look for a new cleaning company, maybe I can get a job in that new company then. If they do decide to change service I will definitely ring up the new place and say I wanna keep cleaning there.
Second. I still haven't heard about my disability benefits. Had to reapply for it to get more money but turns out I might lose all of it.
Ughhhhh, it all sucks so much! And it's stressing me out.
At least I got my um... income statement money. Which I wanted to go towards my new laptop but I might need it incase I lose my job or my benefits. If I lose both, I'm royally fucked.

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