Sunday, May 21, 2017

Fuck! What is this? Ughhh.

Okay yeah so friday was a bitch ass horrible day. Went and did my work on saturday. Felt pretty okay. Then today was fine too. Til now. Have a fever again and this wobbly, unsteady feeling, even sitting down on the bed. Fuck! What is this? Ughhh.
I dunno, like is it cause I'm trying to go off of Olanzapine? I know it's uncommon to get a fever with the pill or anxiety, but like.... ???? Yesterday was fine and the whole day of today, why now!?
Have no clue what is wrong with me. I just feel weak, poorly and nauseous.
And when I strain a bit my head gets weird, like I have a headcold. But if I'm just sitting, I don't have that headcold feeling.

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