Friday, May 19, 2017

Will do it tomorrow

Ha! I'm sick. Won't be going to work today. Will do it tomorrow. Damn, I almost lasted a year without skipping a day. But I did some extra days, on my days off so this one time is okay since I'll do the needed work on my day off tomorrow.
Luckily my supervisor said it was okay. I also called into the shop and asked the man I talk to most if it was okay if I did my work tomorrow. He said it shouldn't be a problem. I was gonna go in and empty the bins on the first floor and do the first floor/customer toilets but I asked if the woman who cleans the garage part could empty the four little toilet bins cause I've closed doors for her and cleaned toilets for her when she couldn't come in before.
I took a flu pill now, maybe I'll feel okay enough to go do the toilets myself, we'll see.

Yeah, for three days now I've had random anxiety and I was like fuck! It's the withdrawal symptoms. But yeah, luckily I decided to take my temperature and found out I have a fever. It's this fucking spring man! I mean I feel like shit but at least it's not anxiety related. And it's common for me to have anxiety when something else is wrong with my body. As long as it's not anxiety related I'm happy.

And I wanna post stuff about my last weekend when I went to mum's for the first time since october last year but I'm a lazy fuck.

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