Sunday, August 06, 2017

Bye boo!

Oh fuck. I just love how everything gets fucked when you're actually happy, content and satisfied. As I said a few posts ago, I was very happy with the new place. I never even like have been hyper about moving here cause I knew I liked this place and if I got overly happy shit would go to shit. And as per usual, I admitted that I'm happy and things did turn to shit.
Some magnificent fucktard stole my bike.
This baby is no more.
I kept the bike in general hall, not inside my apartment. It wasn't attached to anything but was locked. Through the spokes and the frame thingy. But I guess someone picked it up and took it away.
Well, I asked my mum's man for 200 euros to buy a new one tomorrow. Mum has to come to my place cause I can't fucking walk anywhere!
I just need a yoke to get me to work, town, doctors and shops. And I will be hauling the new fucker up to the 7th floor into my apartment every fucking day to keep it away from all the shitty cunts.
And like there's a bike in the hall that's not like even locked. And another that is locked. Like, why steal mine!? The building manager or whatever person thought too that it was weird someone would steal an old bike. And mum and her man were like who the fuck wants that old barely working thing.
I don't fucking know! Most likely some retarded fucking cunt.
Fuck! And my cute little bell is gone and the new lock and all. Fuck!
I did call the police aswell and filed a report. They won't be able to catch anyone but maybe it's found somewhere. And I'll be looking at bike selling websites just in case.
Bye boo!

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