Tuesday, August 01, 2017

I wanna cuddle

I saw a cute guy today while riding home from work on my bicycle. When I went past him I was like, "Shit, I wanna turn around and see him, talk to him, do him, etc". And then thought, "Too bad I look like a troll, he'd never look at someone like me". Then I realised he did look at me, but not like look look but like "Hey look, there's a troll on a bicycle".
Yeah I'd like to get closer to the dude I met on sunday though. We talked a little. Found out we noth like sci fi and comedy films. Said my fave was The Core. He said he has never seen it and I said we can watch it together sometime if he wants to and he said, "jep, why not 😀". Hopefully next weekend then. I wanna cuddle. Shit, I think it's the 8th single year running already for me.

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