Thursday, August 03, 2017

so far

Okay, I don't wanna fucking jinx it but so far the new place has been really good. Sooo much better than my last place.
I have a feeling though that I might be struggling to pay the rent. I am actively looking at new or extra places to work at. I even went to a place. It's like old folks home or something. To be a janitor. They also offered me a carer position lol But I turned everything down. Cause of mum. She said don't og, people are sick and die there, it's basically like a hospital. I think I might have tried it The work would have ended at 4pm and I would have made it to my current workplace in time for 6pm. But the problem was I was gonna be a "replacement janitor". As in if some other janitor goes on a vacation I would have been the subsitute. Like, I'd have work all the time but if someone went away I'd replace them. Meaning I'd have to work all over the place in the building. That doesn't sit right with me. I need my tiny area to clean. I need stability and routine.
Will keep looking.

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