Sunday, July 30, 2017

Used it

Oh my goodness. I feel so poorly. I actually have sort of a headache. Couldn't sleep last night. Tried to take a nap just now, woke up feeling worse.
Have little problems eating, gagging and throat locks. Get anxiety in shops a little. Can't sleep long or well. Feel sick in general and in pain (abdomen and head). Oh and I have itchy hands.
Oh the funs of a pill withdrawal.
I'm pretty sure I could handle being off the pill cause my health is a lot better but the withdrawal period is super hard to overcome.
Just had to take more Olanzapine. Last time I took a pill was last sunday. Can't go over a week wihout it.

Yeah, also met the guy I was supposed to meet. First time since I dunno when. What, January?
He was super nice. I hope he liked me too. I could really be with someone like him. Like... I was gonna say in a relationship but I'm not gonna be desperate and say I could just spend time with him some more. :)
Like I had super anxiety when meeting up with him but I took loadsa Valium so I calmed down eventually. Oh and I also broke out the mascara my mum had bought me months ago for the first time. Used it. It was all nice, nothing lovey dovey yet or anything sexual so yay! Hopefully he wants to meet up again. He said we should but he jsut could've been polite.
Yeah, I'd hype more about it but I feel too sick. Shit, might even take a painkiller for the head.

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