Thursday, August 10, 2017

the new guy

So here's the new guy. Not as pretty but oh well. It's a... mountain bike? Is this what it's called in english? Before I had a hybird. Mountain&road hybrid.
I bought this at a used bikes shop for 190 euros. Then the next day I went to another bike shop and saw brand new ones for cheaper. Fuck!
Oh well.
Oh and when I went home from the bike shop on this new one, when I got home the tire was almost flat. Went back to the shop next day. There was some tiny shitty ass thorn in it. Fuck!
I hope there won't be any more financial surprises in the decreasing manner.

Oh and can't remember if I mentioned but I had a chance to get a really good job but I didn't get it. Would have loved itbut whatever. I will keep looking :) 700 would have been too much. I mean, I can't get lucky, god forbid!

Oh yeah and on friday I will be going to a gyno cause I've been spotting for about a week now, probably longer. It's definitely cause of going off olanzapine but wanna make sure there isn't anything totally wrong with me cause of it.
Oh and I will be going to my GP next wednesday aswell. I think I'm either allergic to something or have some sort of a fungus. The tops of my feet and the backs of my hands get mad itchy. I have no hives, no redness, no swelling, just perfect normal skin that just starts itching.And when I scratch it gets worse. I only stop til I've broken the skin. Ugh.

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