Monday, August 07, 2017

Are we back here again!?

Okay, I got a new bike. A pic later.
So yesterday when I was talking to my "building man" about the robbery he said, "I can't talk in estonian with you can I? You have an accent". Bitch!? Are we back here again!? Can people stop saying I have an accent when I don't!? I only speak estonian everyday.
And today again... I sent a letter to the police with the picture of my bike and some more details I remembered about it. They sent a letter back saying I didn't give enough information. Um, yeah the report was already done, I have no clue why they didn't like check their system or something. Anyway, that wasn't important. What annoyed me was they sent the fucking email in russian! Bitches!?!? I'm fucking estonian okay!?!? I didn't even understand most the email they sent me back but I got the point of it. Fuck! I know I have a russian name but I fucking sent you an email in normal correct estonian and you send me back this shit!? Fuck!

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