Saturday, September 23, 2017

I like

So yeah been a while.
Been to doctor a lot. Blood tests were fine. Typical. Urine showed some inflammation. Lung x-rays were fine. Did new blood tests and poop one, didn't ring in yet. The GP thinks I might have Lyme disease. Yeah no. She wanted to put me on antibiotics for a month, even without testing me first. Okay then.
Yeah I have like a fuckton of symptoms which I've been mentioning for months now on this blog. Been listing them to doctors too many times lately to repeat them here. I mean it's all cause of olanzapine but whatever...
Just waiting for the 3rd of october to know more about my polyp surgery. Maybe then the bleeding/spotting will stop.

Yeah, think it was the last weekend I put my cactus babes back in pots. Hopefully will be better this time. I got sand from the Anne canal beach. And gravel from my mum's man's work place. Won't water them for forever now. And when I do, I bought the spray bottle for them, I will be using it cause I was advised to. Just to like water the surface.

Been seeing the Core Guy a few times. He's still scared as ever. Little virgin.

Um yeah and got an extra little cleaning job on wednesdays and fridays/weekends. Didn't go in yesterday. Was out on town with mum. Cleaned today. Was nice. I like.
And when I got home from work I re-assembled my room. My back has been giving me serious stiffness and weirdness from the bad bed. Sleeping on the matress now. The bed kinda like concaves in the middle and you end up sleeping in a horrible position. So now I have a bed in a form of a matress on the floor and and extra place to sit in my room in the form of a foldable bed/sofa. Again, I like. Hopefully I'll sleep better, back wise.

Oh I got a new winter jacket too. Yay! It's dark blue. The sleeves are a little short but just gotta wear gloves.

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