Monday, May 28, 2018

My life is a flower right now, with odd full moons

Fuck the moon! I had such a bad night last night. I had proper physical anxiety, nausea, tension, unable to sleep, yadi yada, the full works.
No cause to it on my part. I didn't freak out emotionally cause I knew there had to be an outside source. The moon. It's full tomorrow. Like any "scientist" who says the moon doesn't affect the health/human body can go fuck themselves. If it can affect the tides, it can affect the human body, okay!? I'm living proof of it. Probably gonna feel like shit tongith aswell. Oh well.
Wanna get a good night's sleep though cause I'm gonna go to the hospital tomorrow for a more thorough blood testing. My prolactin levels last time, um maybe January 2017, were 519 and now, last week they were 580 something. The endocrinologist said it could be from stress too. I have no stress, so please let's not go there. My life is a flower right now, with odd full moons.

At least saturday was good. Half good. Mum came to town and we went to the art gallery and the botanic garden. Art gallery had bad art and the botanic garden was too hot to view the plants. Like, the greenhouse parts and the outside part had gnats.

Yeah okay then... I'm off to eat brwakfast now. Tried to sleep as long as possible cause I kept waking up constantly.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

9th of August, three years from now

Fuck I had a terrible dream. My dad was acting really weird. Like... suicidal and like a fucking Duracel bunny all over the place. It was disturbing.
He called me into a room and told me there was something he needed to tell me. He was still being super fucking weird. He said, "I have three years left:" I was worried. I thought he has cancer or something. Then he proceeded, "If I do not know how to play the guitar well in three years, that's it! Why is it so hard!?" Like, I got the impression he was gonna kill himself cause he couldn't play the guitar as well as his friends or something. He doesn't even play the guitar in real life!
And he specified the date, 9th of August, three years from now which would make it 2021 I think. But I did ask "Is it three years starting from this year's 9th of August or is the first year running already?" He kinda said, it was runnign already, so it's 2020.
I told me stepmum this in my dream. She didn't seem concerned. She said he had said it was 7 years from now. And she basically said he has a miflife crisis and is acting out cause his friends do not wanna spend time with him eventhough he turns the friends down himself. Fuck!
And then I wanted to call the police or ambulance or something cause at one point he was acting really really weird. We were walking outside and a fucking goat was running loose. It all happened in my dad's hometown in my dream. And then I had to fucking catch the goat so it could be locked up again. I did catch it.
It was a really disturbing dream!

Friday, May 04, 2018

Christina Aguilera

lol Christina Aguilera's team got me banned on Twitter. :D They will probably delete my Google accounts too. :D
I told them I won't be deleting anything and I didn't say anything wrong. So it's okay to produce porn music videos but when you point it out it's promoting violence, harrassing and threatening? Are they out of their minds? Stop releasing such music videos then.
I really do not give a fuck if they delete my account though lol. I had it on private for years and years, was not there to actibely socialize anyway. I'm more of a blog type of person where I can flesh out my ideas.

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

crashing now

Wow. :D
I'm alive!
Apparently when you haven't slept properly it's time for the body to have maximum energy and motivation.
I pretty much haven't slept at all, what with it being the full moon and all. Anyway, today is a day off thanks to the spring holiday. Good times.
I see my last post was about the fish at work, so why don't I start with them again, after this whole while.
I dunno how often it should be done or when it was last done but probably not this year, the fish tank needed to be cleaned. In the newer video there's green crap on the glass. I volunteered to clean it since the worker who cleans it is on sick leave for a month. And I felt bad for the fishies for swimming in their filth. Did it on saturday. And I swear I have never ever been this sore in my life as I was afterwards. My back, arms and legs were killing me on sunday. But the tank's clean. I took out the stones and the ships too. New stones should be put in.
Anyway, was hard but cute.

Then in March I had two weeks off. I gave my boss and ultimatum: I either get time off work or I leave on the spot. My hands, fingers and arms were busted from mopping the slushy floor at work. Ugh, the transition from winter to spring is horrible floor mopping wise!
I spent the almost two weeks at mum's. I didn't really do anything there cause I didn't wanna use my hands at all. Total rest.

My hands are a little better now. Still stiff and sore sometimes in the morning. But back then I couldn't even hold a freaking plate in my hands when I had to wash dishes.

Yeah and I've been dealing with my itching too. So my GP said it must nerves. The rheumatologist said it must be nerves. Allergy doctor said it must be nerves. Skin doctor said it must be nerves after she saw me scratch my arm. Yeah, only crazy people scratch themselves. Later on during the appointment she scratched her arm herself. I wanted to ask if she had problems with her nerves.

Yeah but at my second appointment she kinda believed I had allergy or something cause when I normally do not have any physical symptoms then  at my mum's I had red spots on my knee and I showed her the pic.

And not much has happened. Ooh, only when the weather got really warm for two days a while ago I got anxiety from it. Nice.

Anyway, I feel I'm crashing now. Gotta go nap.

Damn, I have so many pics and selfies to post and update.