Tuesday, May 15, 2018

9th of August, three years from now

Fuck I had a terrible dream. My dad was acting really weird. Like... suicidal and like a fucking Duracel bunny all over the place. It was disturbing.
He called me into a room and told me there was something he needed to tell me. He was still being super fucking weird. He said, "I have three years left:" I was worried. I thought he has cancer or something. Then he proceeded, "If I do not know how to play the guitar well in three years, that's it! Why is it so hard!?" Like, I got the impression he was gonna kill himself cause he couldn't play the guitar as well as his friends or something. He doesn't even play the guitar in real life!
And he specified the date, 9th of August, three years from now which would make it 2021 I think. But I did ask "Is it three years starting from this year's 9th of August or is the first year running already?" He kinda said, it was runnign already, so it's 2020.
I told me stepmum this in my dream. She didn't seem concerned. She said he had said it was 7 years from now. And she basically said he has a miflife crisis and is acting out cause his friends do not wanna spend time with him eventhough he turns the friends down himself. Fuck!
And then I wanted to call the police or ambulance or something cause at one point he was acting really really weird. We were walking outside and a fucking goat was running loose. It all happened in my dad's hometown in my dream. And then I had to fucking catch the goat so it could be locked up again. I did catch it.
It was a really disturbing dream!

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