Monday, May 28, 2018

My life is a flower right now, with odd full moons

Fuck the moon! I had such a bad night last night. I had proper physical anxiety, nausea, tension, unable to sleep, yadi yada, the full works.
No cause to it on my part. I didn't freak out emotionally cause I knew there had to be an outside source. The moon. It's full tomorrow. Like any "scientist" who says the moon doesn't affect the health/human body can go fuck themselves. If it can affect the tides, it can affect the human body, okay!? I'm living proof of it. Probably gonna feel like shit tongith aswell. Oh well.
Wanna get a good night's sleep though cause I'm gonna go to the hospital tomorrow for a more thorough blood testing. My prolactin levels last time, um maybe January 2017, were 519 and now, last week they were 580 something. The endocrinologist said it could be from stress too. I have no stress, so please let's not go there. My life is a flower right now, with odd full moons.

At least saturday was good. Half good. Mum came to town and we went to the art gallery and the botanic garden. Art gallery had bad art and the botanic garden was too hot to view the plants. Like, the greenhouse parts and the outside part had gnats.

Yeah okay then... I'm off to eat brwakfast now. Tried to sleep as long as possible cause I kept waking up constantly.

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