Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yeah, everything's cool

So after panicking, texting my bf who's probably drunk out of his mind by now, browsing web for possible side effects of a missed dose of an antidepressant, and ringing the hospital to talk to a doctor I realised that I have been on the tablet for two weeks, the first 4 days I took only half a dose - two tablets, which means I have two extra tablets.

Jaysas, the panicking!

First I texted my bf and aksed what was the chance of me going absolutely crazy.

Secondly, I browsed the web for free information numbers in Ireland.
Yeah, there aren't any, apparently. Well, they didn't show up on the internet.

Found the 118118 number. It said I can type in my number and question and they would send me a free answer.
Yeah, they didn't.

Well, that means I didn't have credit.
So, at around half one I went out to McLoughlin's to buy credit.
5 euro Meteor.

On my way back I rang the hospital, asked to talk to a nurse.
Gave my DOB, name and phone number.

Got home and I don't know why or how, but it struck me then -
I must have two tablets extra, which means I should be covered for today and tomorrow.

So I started looking for them hoping to find them before the nurse called back.
Then I started doubting myself, thinking maybe they didn't give me 7 tablets for the week eventhough the prescription was weekly. So it is seven days. It took me a good 20 minutes of hard math time to figure it out.
Very hard! I'm really bad at math and I was panicky.

I was looking all over the place for the tablets, couldn't find them.
People even got home by the time I found my tablets.
One's sleeping in her room, her friend in the sitting room.

Anyways, then the doctor called and told me to go down to hospital in the morning and that they'd write a new prescription.

And then I found my tablets. Took one, feeling sleepy now.

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