Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Anarchist commie

I finally got Colette to go for a walk with me.
After asking about 20 times and being rejected.

Was kind of educating.
Talked about politics.
I learned way more about political stuff in those few minutes than I did over the years in school.
I now know that capitalism means working hard to earn the money and keeping the money.
Then I also learned what communism means - it's the equality of people.
I've heard people giving out about the communists, putting the idea down.
Well, I'm all for communism.
Back in the day when my home country was under the great wing of Soviet Union, my family was middle class.
As were most people we knew.
Everybody seemed to be living in those five storied blocks of flats and as much I remember from history class everybody had pretty much the same items cause the products were made and put on sale in bulk only once in a while.
So, as far as I remember so, people were living in middle and upper class.
Whereas now it's upper class and lower class.
I don't understand the negativity towards communism.
The idea is good and speaking from experience life was nice aswell.
I loved those big milk bottles and plastic toys.

I asked Colette if there was ever a country where anarchy was  accepted in the gorvernment.
She then said it means you want to kill the president.
I take it that it's well accepted in every country among the people aswell as the government.

I quess people hate communism cause they're all selfish greedy bastards.
Starting with the politicians.
I think there should be change of law in every country that states the decrease of politicians' wages by, say...90 per cent.
Come on, everybody knows politicians are bottom feeders.

At some point Colette said I was an anarchist commie. Sounds fair, so be it.

Then we passed a house that had a very smoky chimney.
The whole street was covered with smoke.
Think there was a fire, people were coming out of their houses and looking around all confused and worried.
Freaked me out. At that point I realised I'll never be a firefighter.
I got so freaked out I wanted to turn around and run away, off of that street.

We also got to rant about teachers.
She said she hated her art teacher.
Apparently the teacher would kick her out of the class cause she was a 'bad influence'.
The thing was that Colette at the time was into monochrome painting and the teacher didn't like how she wouldn't use other colours.
My stories included the never ending and never to be forgotten rants about my head of year in secondary school.
He was this old, fat stupid man.
When we first had him as a teacher he didn't know what our writing level was (I went to a literature school), so he made us write an essay. We had to pick one of these compositions: tragedy, comedy and sublime.
I wrote my story in a tone of sublime: was about a little boy who was stuck in the house cause of his illness and he had a dream of going out to the beach and swim in the sea. He eventually got to the beach and went for a swim, but he drowned. Got angry and scared at first and felt disappointed that the sea had done such a thing to him, but soon he realised he was free from his disease altogether and was thankful to the sea. Very sublime indeed! :D
Anyway, I was absent the day we got the essays back but apparently he said that there was only one essay that fit the criteria and was 'perfect' and it was mine. He read it out loud and all.
Anyway, that was when he didn't know me. As time went on, the heavier and darker things got.
At one point he gave our essays back with grades on them, except on mine.
I went to him to ask what the deal was and he just wrote a negative grade without reading it or even looking at it. Tool!

And another time, we were talking about an upcoming essay. We had to do like research and soul search before writing a goddamn piece for him. So we were sat down in the class when he asked what was the most important thing in our lives. What matters most. He got every pupil to tell their things. Everybody named things like family, friends, love and money and a house and stuff. I was thinking the same, but what was the most important thing for me was time. The time to get all those things and to have them, to get done with my business here on earth while I had the chance. So when it was my time to name something important I said time. I couldn't start explaining myself cause the fucker started taking the piss out of me. Like, 'oh, okay, you think you stop the clock and the time won't move on...' Whatever. I don't think I explained myself.
The class was finished.
Next one was in the same room with him.
And at the start of it, he said the next essay we were gonne write was gonna be about time.
The little shit said exactly what I was thinking and suddenly it was all normal and not worthy of mocking.
He then asked some pupils in the class what they thought of the subject, he also asked me.
I said that I just said that a while ago and it was the biggest problem in the world for him.
He said, "If I were a dog I'd come and bite you right now."
What a tool!

Anyway, end of rants. I'm off to play the violin. Have to clean and tune it first, then apply some rosin on the bow... I guess I have to do it every time I use it, but I'm just too lazy.

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