Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Shitty greetings from the arse

Oh, I just got 'owned' by a thirteen year old.=D
Was told to stick my forum up my arse and shit my pants.
Hahahaa. I was gonna leave a rather piquant comment on the child's formspring or blog, but thought it might be seen as an assault.
Oh well, shitty greetings from the arse so. Have a nice trip! ;)
Don't hurry back, nobody will miss you.
Nah... I'm not bothered, just thought it was funny how 'angsty' and full of 'attitude' the mail was when in her blog she said she's leaving a good forum cause the admin "doesn't want her there" and she was feeling all boo hoo hoo.
Oh well, it's my job to keep the forum clear of fakers.


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